Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pimsleur Brazilian Portuguese, Blogspot Any Audio CDs Out There To Learn European Portuguese?

Any audio CDs out there to learn European Portuguese? - pimsleur brazilian portuguese, blogspot

I learned Spanish with Pimsleur, and I think are the best. However, there are only the major groups of Brazilian Portuguese. As much as I love the language, I prefer Portugal European dialect. It is very possible that the United Kingdom an idea of where to go to learn European Portuguese at home, could get. See here in the United States, which is common to the Brazilian dialect. Thank you very much!


"Awful Portuguese" said...

Olá, Anna C!

I hear you! As a lover of America and co Português colleagues in Portugal, I know how it can be difficult to find access to our preferred option. (It's funny how some people think that bigger is better motivated and a complete disregard for everyone else to learn a language to appear. Can you imagine, for example, and to meet his biological mother of the Azores, Lisbon or in the laws and talk in the PA, because "more people speak, my jaw.)

Back to your question. The best resource I know to learn and practice Portuguese - or BP or EP - is free to reach the newsgroup on the Internet could to support the students' fluency in Portuguese dedicated Group / awfulportu. ..

We have literally thousands of links to recommended materials for free on the Internet audio and audio of our own copyright, organized at the level, skill type, subject, and the variant (Pt / Br).

But wait! There's more! : D You can participate in discussions and educational games with native speakers, otherStudents and a language teacher with experience to guide their learning.

Click on the icon if you like it my all.

(I have tried this since yesterday morning after. In response to additional data, I congratulate you for your kind to everyone - it was only 2 to try - in order to stop others from the study of Parliament, but not the logic of the study BP, especially if you are in discussions with the Portuguese and vice versa .... I would never tell someone who is interested to learn English Bajun are interested to study American English, not because there are more Americans who are from Barbados . * * is that this lack of respect.)

Oh, no, Honey Child! (I just saw your last question.) Português Europeu is almost lost, Anna! He is alive and well. Let not the clowns on Yahoo says otherwise;) Given the economic weight of the EU and the money in the promotion Português (Europeu) investing, there are many great programs for PE. Here's one of my favorites:

But I'd rather start with something more basic. TA? (Note it?) I hope to hear from you!

TexHabsf... said...

Settings aside, it is better to learn the dialect of Brazil. The figures alone are enough reason 190 million people in Brazil (which are 250 to 2050) should, while Portugal just over 10 million euros, including a number of Eastern Europeans (in Brazil, while the majority were born here ..) Even the Brazilian dialect closer to those who already speak Spanish.

Άθεος said...

Brazilian Portuguese is spoken by people 190,000,00. European Portuguese, less than 12,000,000th

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